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Monday, January 19, 2015

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks–10 : How to Change the color theme in Visual Studio 2015?

By Francis   Posted at   7:41 PM   Visual Studio Tips and Tricks No comments
                                  Go to Tools –> Options Menu. In the Options dialog, expand “Environment” and then select “General” node. On the right hand side, under the heading “Visual experience”, you can find the “Color theme” dropdown, which contains the the list of themes. Select one of them, you interested and click “OK”. That’s all you have changed the theme successfully!!



Sunday, January 18, 2015

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks – 9 : How to Change the menu to text to “title case” in Visual Studio 2015?

By Francis   Posted at   12:09 PM   No comments
                           Till Visual Studio 2010, we saw all the menu’s text displayed in “title case”, that is First letter alone in capital letter and the remaining letters are in small case. But from Visual studio 2012 onwards, the default settings for the menu items displayed fully in Capital letter. This can be also easily changed. Go to “Tools –> Options”. In the “Options” dialog, expand “Environment” and select “General”. Check the “Apply title case styling to menu bar” and click “OK”. Congrats!! you have changed the menu’s text as title case!

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