A word about WebResource.axd:
Its time to speak about the resource
files, (As validation controls concern) which is included whenever the validation
controls included in a aspx page.
In older version of ASP.Net, the file “WebUIValidation.js”
has been directly pointed out thru <script> tag. As we all know “WebUIValidation.js”
is resides on the web server’s .Net installation folder,
which contains the
javascript methods to handle client side validation methods for the server side
validation controls.
In Later versions of ASP.Net, this file
is kept moved to a resource file. So that now we can see the “webresource.axd”
file in the server generated source file.In other words, the file “WebUIValidation.js”
has been embedded inside a DLL.
is a HTTP Handler, which is actually handles the resource related HTTP requests
and provide them as response.
The main task of this file is, getting the
embedded file from the DLL and return its content to the requester.
If you look the <script> tag,
there are 2 query string parameters are available one is “d” and another one is
Parameter “d” contains the encrypted
information about the assembly and resource.
Parameter “t” denotes the time stamp of
the request, which is used to request and access the resource within certain
period of time.
If you copy and paste the url, you may
witness to see little amount of javascript.
I hope this helps you to understand the
other side of the Validation controls how they are handled the client side
Happy Programming!!!!