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Monday, April 21, 2014

File Upload Control–How to give same UI in all browsers?

By Francis   Posted at   6:56 PM   CodeProject No comments
                                  As all of know, the File Upload control is used to upload your favourite files to the server. One of the biggest challenge while using this control is UI issue. That is this control is rendered in a different ways in all browsers. Please see the below figures, each of them rendered the File Uploader in a different way. That is UI is vary across the browsers.

Friday, April 18, 2014

ASP.Net Forums - FAQ #2 : ASP.Net Project Ideas

By Francis   Posted at   8:17 AM   ASP.Net Forums No comments
                                              ASP.Net Forums have tons of Questions. I have preferred some most frequently questions and give a detailed explanation here. This one also I encountered a lot in the ASP.Net Forums. Most of the college students and beginners are asked about the below questions:
How to start an ASP.Net Web Projects?
Where to get some basic ideas about web based projects?
                    In this post I just want to guide those people from my practical experiences.

Prerequisite – Software:
                Before start your project you need the below softwares:
  1. Visual Studio
  2. .Net Framework
  3. SQL Server   
                        For students and beginners express version of visual studio is enough. While this writing Microsoft released Visual Studio 2013. You can download the Visual Studio 2013 express for web development here. With that installation, .Net framework 4.5 also installed. So there is no separate download is not necessary.
                         Each and every website that are developed are data centric or data driven. That are data are stored and retrieved from a database like SQL Server. So you must need that one also.
                         For SQL Server also Microsoft provide express version. You can get it SQL Server 2008 Express with SP2 here and SQL Server 2012 here.
                        For the above software installation you must need Windows 7 with SP1 or Windows 8.
Prerequisite – Skills:
              The below are the must have skill sets that are required for every beginner in ASP.Net.
  1. .Net Architecture (CLR and BaseClass Library)
  2. C# or VB.Net Language
  3. ADO.Net
  4. ASP.Net (Web Form, Worker Process, AppDomain, Session, Cache, Authentication etc)

               It is better how the .Net frameworks works which helps to the developer to grasp the rest of the things easily. If you want to go with ASP.Net you should learn any one of the .Net compatible language such that C# or VB.Net. ADO.Net always deals with Database related objects like Datasets, Datatables etc. In beginner level choosing Web Form will give a easy to move way in ASP.Net. The above lists are specific to .Net.

Some Good Books for ASP.Net:
         Below are my personal suggestion to sharpen your skills in ASP.Net as well as .Net Languages such as C# and VB.Net in some extend.

  1. Programming ASP.Net By Dino Espotio (From Microsoft Press)
  2. Professional ASP.Net 2.0/3.5/4.5 (from wrox publications)
  3. C# 4.0 – The Complete Reference By Herbert Schildt

Online Tutorials & Trainings for ASP.Net:
               For ASP.Net technology, there are so many good online tutorial sites available. Some of them for your reference:

What do you think?
                  The above are my professional experience, that I have earned over lot of time. Do you want to say something, please let me know thru comments.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Daily Interview Question #8 : What are the efficient ways to show million records in a page?

By Francis   Posted at   1:27 PM   No comments

The below answer is my own suggestions that I gave as an answer.

                  In practical there is no need of pull million of records at one call. Instead of that we can show 10 or 100 of records in the web page with pagination. To pull the records from Database, just write a stored procedure it will also contains the pagination logic. That is, if the second page clicked, the stored procedure pull the rows from 101 to 200.

The above method consist 2 advantage:

1) Increased performance (only we pull and show 100 records).

2) Faster retrieval.

Monday, April 14, 2014

JQuery Tips and Tricks #1–Simple Addition using JQuery

By Francis   Posted at   5:51 AM   JQuery Tips No comments
                                In this post we are going to see a simple addition of 2 numbers using JQuery. Copy and paste the below code:

Sunday, April 13, 2014

ASP.Net Forums – FAQ #1 : How to enable Adsense in my site?

By Francis   Posted at   8:14 PM   Enable Adsense 1 comment

This is the most frequently asked question in ASP.Net Forums. As a Adsense user (struggled with google over 6 months I got my adsense approval), I’m going to explain how to enable adsense in your website regardless of technology (either you used ASP.Net or PHP or Java etc) which you are using to built your site.

I just want to tell one thing first there is no short cut to get your adsense approval from google. Go with the below guidelines:

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